From 4 March 2023, customers who purchase Business Profiles will receive 2 formats of the sae document - (a) A PDF (Portable Document Format) file for viewing and (b) an OA (OpenAttestation) file for product verification. To verify these products, customers can choose 1 of the 3 ways below:
1. Scan QR code on the PDF document
2. Access verification URL on the PDF document
3. Upload an OA file at ACRA trustBar portal (ACRA's verification service that helps you check if the document you've received is issued by ACRA)
New Certification Feature for Business Profile
ACRA's Business Profiles have been enhanced with a new verification feature (bearing ACRA's stamp and ACRA Assistant Registrar's name and signature) with no change to its purchase fee of $5.50. With this enhancement, customers will no longer need to purchase the information product "Business Profile with Certificate of Production" which costs $16.50. Hence, the "Business Profile with Certificate of Production" will be discontinued from 4 March 2023.
Note: Please use ACRA Product Authentication Facility to verify Business Profiles purchased before 4 March 2023.
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